MultiGraph Sink/Source: Direct Connect

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This page explains using direct connect in the MultiGraph Sink/Source filters.

Beginning from 3.1.x.x version the MultiGraph Sink/Source filters support multiple 'direct' connection. For utilize this ability your should use the IMLTeeSink3 & IMLTeeSource3 interfaces.

How to make several 'direct connection': 1) Add the 'receiver' cookie into MLSink filter: IMLTeeSink3::AddRecvCookie( &nRecvCookie );

2) Connect via IMLTeeSource3::DirectConnectToSink2( pSink, nRecvCookie );

3) (optional) Set the callback just for this cookie: IMLTeeSink3::SetCallback2( pCallback, cookie, nRecvCookie );

4) Remove the receiver cookie (e.g. on your application shut-down) IMLTeeSink3::RemoveRecvCookie( nRecvCookie );

Notes: - The new direct connection support 'old' direct connection feature - 'auto switching'. Just your make the new direct connection with SAME COOKIE - the old one will be disconnected. - The 'old' direct connection still supported (really now it's internally use the new methods but with predefined cookie).

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