QuickSync Encoder

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DirectShow filter for encoding 8-bit 4:2:0 progressive or interlaced video frames in HEVC, H264 or MPEG-2 formats.


QuickSync Encoder is a DirectShow filter for encoding 8-bit 4:2:0 progressive or interlaced video frames in HEVC, H264 or MPEG-2 formats. Filter based on Intel® Media SDK with Intel QuickSync GPU support and hardware acceleration. Support for encoders depends on the type of Windows (32 or 64 bit), installed video drivers (for hardware encoding) and input format (interlaced or progressive):

  • HEVC 32 bits: only hardware encoding
  • HEVC 64 bits: hardware, software or GACC (the last two are for progressive frames only)
  • H264 and MPEG-2, 32 and 64 bits: hardware and software


  • Supports hardware and software 8 bit 4:2:0 encoding in HEVC, H264 and MPEG-2 formats.
  • Multicore/Hyper Threading support.
  • MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3 ASM optimization.
  • I, P and B slices.
  • AVC-Intra support.
  • AVC1 file and byte stream formats support.
  • Field or frame pictures.
  • The following color spaces are accepted at the input: YUY2, UYVY, YVYU, Y422, NV12, YV12, I420, v210, r210, RB16, BR16, AR16, AB16. All these color spaces are converted to NV12 for encoding.

Supported Standards

  • ITU-T H.264
  • ISO/IEC 14496-10 – MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced Video Coding

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