Method Init

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This page is a copy of the original page on the AVObjects' web site and can also be viewed here.

Initializes the object's data, for objects - splitter or reader makes opening files and the initial parsing.



S_OK     AVObject successfully initialized
E_FAIL   Source file not found or other failure.


  // Create MXF Reader object
  CComPtr<IAVObject>	spReader;
  HRESULT hr = Create_MXFReader(&spReader); 
  if (hr != S_OK)
     return hr;
  // Query IAVProperties interface
  CComQIPtr<IAVProperties> spProps(spReader);
  ATLASSERT(spProps != NULL);
  // Set filename
  hr = spProps->PropsSet(L"source", L"file.mxf");
  if(hr != S_OK)
    return hr;
  // Init Object
  hr = spReader->Init();
  if(hr != S_OK)
    return hr;