Multimedia Bridge

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Transfer multimedia data between applications and stream/capture with VLC.


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Multimedia Bridge allows you to do 3 things:

Exchange Data Between Applications

Transfer multimedia data between different types of applications. For example, you can feed data from your DirectShow app to a C# app, WPF app, or even a third-party encoder:

Multimedia bridge scheme basic.gif

Receive Different Types of Streams (Bridge In)

With the help of a special plugin, you can use the VLC framework to import RTSP, HLS (HTML Live Streaming) and RTP/UDP streams into applications build with our SDKs:

Multimedia bridge scheme vlc receive.gif

Stream & Capture (Bridge Out)

Finally you can use VLC to add streaming or capture features to your product, regardless of whether it uses our SDKs or not (coming soon):

Multimedia bridge scheme vlc send.gif

No DirectShow expertise required. Supported development environments: .NET (C#, Visual Basic), VB6, Delphi, Visual C++, C++Builder. For more information about the framework, please see: Multimedia Component Framework Overview.

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